The Escort Chapter 11

Koji looked down from the roaring hover plane at one of his family houses, where all of the bio-androids had been transported to after they had been freed from the Observatory. Laying over a five hour drive from the city he doubted that they would be founded anytime soon, although now that Koji had gotten all the signatures he needed the bio-androids shouldn’t be in any danger anymore. The expensive Japanese house stretched out forever, a huge complex with an assortment of traditional gardens and ponds. It hadn’t been used since his grandfather’s time yet he had never been able to part with it either.

As soon as the hover plane landed Koji opened the sliding door and got out, heading for the building. He could see Shinta exiting the house and walking towards him at a steady pace. It wasn’t long before they stood facing one another, almost touching. Shinta looked at him with a serious expression.

"You did it," Shinta said in a low soft voice.


"Do you regret it?" Shinta asked.

"No, do you?" Koji asked, looking up at the man.

Shinta shook his head and suddenly pulled Koji into his arms. Koji sighed, feeling the tension that had been a part of him for far too long dissolve. Enjoying the warmth of Shinta’s body he forgot about everything as he felt his body respond, he longed to take the man to a room away from everyone.

After a few minutes he heard footsteps approach and couldn’t help but feel a surge of resentment at the intruder.

"Mr. Oshimuru, Kamiya has been attempting to contact you for the past two hours," Yamagata said tentatively.

Kamiya was the last thing Koji wanted to deal with. Undoubtedly the man had been told not only of the bio-androids escape, but had gone to his office to find one of the original three copies of the seventy page document outlining the bio-androids freedom and rights that each of the committee members had signed. The man was more than likely livid and wanted to take action. Koji sighed for a moment before releasing Shinta.

"The sooner you deal with him the sooner we can get to other more important things," Shinta said with a seductive smile.

Looking at the man in front of him he was tempted to ignore Kamiya, but he also knew the sooner he dealt with the man the sooner the whole situation would be over. Even though he had been reunited with his loved one there were still over thirty others that were still waiting.

"Come on, let’s get this over with," Koji grimaced and headed inside.

He put in a connection to Kamiya’s office and found it was Kamiya himself that answered his call. The man on the video screen was rumpled, red-faced, and obviously angry.

"What the hell have you done?" Kamiya bellowed in greeting.

"I believe you already know. I have no idea what more that I can add," Koji replied calmly.

"This is totally illegal. I will have them all dismantled and you in jail," Kamiya growled, his glasses slipping down his nose.

"I had an exceptional team of law experts draw up that document. It is iron clad and irrefutable. You will not be dismantling or incarcerating anyone unless you yourself would like some jail time. It is over Kamiya. I suggest you let the subject go unless you want to lose everything," Koji replied.

"This isn’t over, not by a long ways Oshimuru. I will find a way to make your life miserable," Kamiya said as a deadly glare settled on his face.

"I assumed as much," Koji nodded, disconnecting with a press of a button.

"Yamagata, arrange to have everyone sent home, but give them contact information for both of us in case something happens. Also, arrange for surveillance on all of them for the next six months. It wouldn’t surprise me if Kamiya still tries something," Koji said, turning to the man.

Yamagata nodded and then left without a word, leaving the two of them alone. Koji was surprised when Shinta grabbed his wrist and began pulling him. Koji followed to find himself in an empty room with a futon already spread out on the floor as he heard the door slide shut behind him.

Koji found himself trapped in Shinta’s tight embrace as the man kissed him passionately. He tongue darting across his lips before probing deeper into Koji’s mouth. His eyes flew open in surprise when he heard the ripping of cloth and the clattering of buttons onto the floor as Shinta simply ripped off his shirt in his impatience. Koji gasped when he felt the man’s mouth clamp onto his right nipple, his tongue playing with it.

Koji shrugged off his jacket and untied his tie, letting them drop to the floor along with the remains of his shirt. He stepped back a few paces as Shinta followed him to the futon, and he pulled the man down with him. Shinta’s hand was already expertly undoing his belt to move his hand down his pants and continue to toy with his chest.

Despite the exquisite pleasure coursing through him Koji pulled Shinta up to help the man quickly remove his pants as Shinta pulled his shirt off over his head. As soon as Koji had the blonde’s pants partially undone he stopped, unable to resist licking the erection in front of him.

Shinta gently pried him away to finish undressing as Koji did the same, unable to take his eyes of the finely sculpted body. Shinta straddled Koji’s face and leaned down to take Koji’s leaking member fully into his mouth. Koji moaned around the organ buried in his face, amazed at the pleasure he felt at such a provocative position.

Koji could feel the pleasure building inside of him as Shinta moved off him and smiled.

"Not yet, I want inside of you," Shinta whispered as he leaned down, nibbling on Koji’s ear.

Koji panted, looking up at Shinta in a daze. He felt the man kneel down between his legs and a hot, wet tongue and then fingers started to work over his opening. Koji gasped and writhed on the futon, enjoying Shinta’s exploration of him.

"I’ve never seen you so excited," Shinta panted as he rose from between Koji’s raised legs to look at down at him.

Unable to string together anything more coherent than a moan Koji felt Shinta sink deep inside of him. He was surprised when instead of moving inside of him he felt Shinta grab his upper arm, pulling him up into his lap with a strength that shouldn’t have been possible for such a thin man. Wrapping his arms around Shinta’s neck Koji stared into the jade eyes that had so many times captivated him.

"I love you Koji," Shinta said, his voice sending a shudder through Koji as he felt his body respond to the words, releasing his pent up desire unexpectedly.

Koji felt embarrassment wash over him as Shinta seized his lips, kissing him deeply, making him forget his embarrassment. Shinta laid him gently back down on the bed, taking him with long, deep thrusts as Koji’s hands roamed over Shinta’s taut body.

"You are the only one I have ever loved Shinta," Koji whispered as he felt Shinta’s body tense above him, his powerful thrusting stopped by the sheer intensity of the climax that showed on his face.

"Sorry, I couldn’t control myself," Shinta said after a few minutes.

"Neither could I. It seems like forever since we have been together," Koji said, looking at the golden head pillowed on his chest.

"So what now?"

"I think we go back to the beach house for a while," Koji answered after some thought, deciding he wanted some time with Shinta alone before returning to the mess his normal life was in.

"The beach house? What about work?" Shinta asked as he looked up at Koji in puzzlement.

"I’m on vacation," Koji laughed at the look on Shinta’s face.

"I didn’t think you knew what that word meant, your company must be in a state of shock," Shinta said drily.

"More like panic, there will be a mess for me to clean up when I get back. Half think that I’m in mourning for Aya’s father’s death, and the other half think I have finally lost it. Everyone is running around trying to figure out what to do since I have never left the company before. I think I need to set up a structure in the company to allow for my absence from it," Koji mused.

"You’ve changed a lot recently. I can’t help but wonder if you will regret it later," Shinta sighed, his fingers circling around Koji’s belly.

"I think it is past time for these changes to happen. Everyone changes over time. I have just found something more important than work. That isn’t a bad thing," Koji replied, stroking the silky golden head.

"Maybe. Still, what about us, we have never really talked about it," Shinta said softly.

"That’s because someone left before we could," Koji said stiffly, still a little hurt by Shinta’s absence.

The silence stretched out between them as Shinta’s fingertips continued to trace patterns on Koji’s skin, creating a pleasant tingling on his body. The warmth of the man’s breath on his chest, so human and alive, made it hard to remember that Shinta was something other than human.

"I had to leave Koji. I’m not like you, so honest and direct, I have trouble being honest even with myself sometimes," Shinta rasped, his voice jagged with emotions that made Koji regret his words.

"I knew even as I left that I wanted to stay with you, but to admit that to myself, to face what that meant for me was. . . hard. You are a scientist, what would you think of an android, even one as real as me? You were a workaholic that lost his own wife because he didn’t have time for her. What would happen when I wasn’t new and exciting? I was an escort and a man and would forever be an embarrassment to you, no matter what you said I knew that," Shinta said tightly, his body tense against Koji’s own as he paused.

"I’m a bio-android, with proper maintenance I have the ability to live hundreds of years, if not longer. You, Koji, will die, and leave me," Shinta whispered as Koji felt tears slide down onto his chest. "I lost Takaumi, and the pain was unbearable. I never wanted to go through that again."

Koji turned and pulled Shinta against him, fully embracing him as he kissed the top of his head. He had no words to reassure the man silently crying into his chest. He had never really thought about it, but Shinta’s words were true. No matter how much money, power, or knowledge he had he couldn’t stop himself from dying or even growing old.

In the past few days he had felt only a small portion of what Shinta would one day feel at his death. When Koji had thought that he might lose the man, the pain had eclipsed everything and that was just at the very thought of losing him. What would it feel like to love someone for years, and watch them grow old and die as he remained unchanging? Koji knew that this was the real reason Shinta had ran from him and marveled at his courage to come back.

"I can’t promise to live forever, but I can promise to give you many memories that you can cherish for the rest of your life," Koji whispered after a while.

"I know, that is why I chose to leave Black Heaven," Shinta said quietly.

Both of them remained quiet as Koji thought about Shinta’s words. All the anger and hurt of Shinta leaving him had vanished. He now understood why Shinta had left, but even more than that he was here now in Koji’s arms. It was all that mattered to him. The past was over and now all he wanted to do was focus on the present and the warm man next to him.

"You never answered me," Shinta said, breaking into his thoughts.

"Huh?" Koji asked, trying to remember Shinta’s original question.

"What about us? I don’t have a job anymore and you have one that leaves very little time for anything else," Shinta asked quietly.

"It will take some time, but I’m going to cut down on my work hours. Restructuring the company is my first step. I’m honestly thinking about stepping down from such an active role as president and spending more time as a researcher. I have built a successful company, now I want to do what I have always wanted and create androids," Koji replied passionately.

"And I want to get to know you Shinta. I want to know the man Shinta, and not the escort. I want to see the man behind the cool, calm mask. The passionate man that can lose control in his desire. I know so very little about you, and I want to know everything," Koji added.

"You know my secrets, there isn’t really to much more. After all, if I were a human I would still be a child," Shinta said softly.

Koji laughed as Shinta looked up at him in surprise.

"I don’t think anyone could claim you were a child," Koji said suggestively.

"Did you just joke about sex? You really have come a long way from the man that blushed when I kissed him. I think I have thoroughly corrupted you, Koji," Shinta smiled.

"Maybe, but I’m quite sure you could still make me blush easily," Koji said.

"Shinta, would you like. . ." Koji hesitated, unsure if he should ask what he truly wanted, afraid to be turned down.

"What?" Shinta asked.

"Would you like to go back to school and work part time at the lab with Dr. Ito and I?" Koji asked in a rush, hoping that Shinta would agree.

"Are you sure? Mixing business and your personal life?" Shinta asked.

"More Sure than I have ever been," Koji replied, holding Shinta a little tighter.

"What about Ito?" Shinta asked.

"He’s the one that suggested it. He said it would be a waste for you just to be a kept man, and I agree. Honestly it is what I have always dreamed of, to be able to create androids with a person I love and my teacher. Please Shinta," Koji pleaded.

"Then let me make your dreams come true Koji," Shinta murmured, kissing him.

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